An urban adventure — interspersed with nature Sept. 16, 2015 Plovdiv’s deep and rich history spans over 6,000 years, with earliest traces dating to a late Neolithic settlement, ranking it among the world’s oldest cities. During its long history, it…

An urban adventure — interspersed with nature Sept. 16, 2015 Plovdiv’s deep and rich history spans over 6,000 years, with earliest traces dating to a late Neolithic settlement, ranking it among the world’s oldest cities. During its long history, it…
VagaBob Travel Trieste, Italy: The underestimated capital city of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia autonomous border region of Northeast Italy. Its culturally diverse history has contributed an eclectic structure and atmosphere, which, while offering less in the way of landmark attractions,…
Wandering from Veliko Tarnovo to Arbanasi VELIKO TARNOVO – distinguished by; the precipitous house-terraced hillsides and surrounding sandstone/limestone cliffs-all ribbon-carved by the Yantra River–affording spectacular panoramic views – its significant and lengthy history, including once being the capital of the…
Frugal & Culturally Immersive Euro Transport Tips by VagaBob Best not to buy a costly Eurail-(type) pass: unless you utilize it exclusively on long stretches—Otherwise, it will cost you more AND reduce your flexibility in choosing modes of transport. May…
Balkan Journeys – a VagaBob Specialty Examples of the (almost) endless possibilities for YOUR Customized Balkan Itinerary! Places we go – VIDEOS: ___________________________________ Transylvania; the Untouched Europe Offering —- 8 to 20 day CUSTOMIZABLE Itineraries in the enchanting Transylvanian Region…
ALL Exemplifying the True Meaning of Hospitality 〈 click images to link to websites 〉 Good examples of the type of accommodations provided during a typical VagaBob Travel Journey: mid to upper middle level comfort class / high cleanliness standards / strategic…